This page is about a project I started working on a while ago. I've written down my process so you can see how it all began and why the result is the way it is. You can see the project here:
A while ago I started working on a project focussed on converting the concept of my blog into a project that suited me. I began brainstorming what and how I wanted things, which made me realize I wanted to experiment with film. I love to watch videoclips and trailers because they are made to show a large story in just a few minutes. The idea of making a film on my own was both exiting as it was terrifying. After the idea stuck in my head for a few weeks I unfortunately had to decide to let it go, because it would have never been possible to do it on my own within a few months. You just have to kill your darlings sometimes.
Although I had to let go of my first idea, I still wanted to do my project about movement. I looked at magazines, blogs, stores and so on and I realized I should use my love for photography and explore how I can combine it with movement. Thats when I thought of Reed&Rader, a dynamic duo that uses .gif files to show movement in photography on the web. You can see there work here:
So when I knew what I wanted to explore I began brainstorming about a subject. What did I wanted to explore and why? After a few brainstorming sessions I decided film was the best subject for me because I just never get bored of a good film. Writing down films I found interesting didn't bring me something I wanted to work with, so I started a search for films I didn't knew yet. That's how I stumbled upon Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo. This film is about Christiane F, a young woman (13 years old) who began experimenting with drugs in 70s Berlin. I watched the film and couldn't help getting obsessed with it.
Another Magazine
Another Magazine online