Where to begin, where to begin.. I'll just start with the basics: I'm a third-year student at the Willem de Kooning Acadamy in Rotterdam. At the young age of 17 I started my study Lifestyle&Design there. More than 2 years and countless culture shocks later I've become (and are stil becoming) who I am today. Two years ago I graduated from the HAVO in Nieuwegein. Unfortunately I still live in Nieuwegein, hoping to move to Amsterdam as quickly as I can.
With my study I'm hoping to become a fashion photographer or art director, but because my study only focuses on styling I'll have to do another study later on. My dream is to become an important fashion photographer or art director who successfully combines the worlds of art photography and fashion and (of course) travels the world in doing so.
So why is my blog called Popcorn and Cherry Tea? I couldn't resist to come up with a name that nobody has (well, at least the chances are very little). I was brainstorming about a name that combines photography and film in a unique way. After all the obvious names crossed my mind I thought: 'What are the things I do in a photography museum as well as at the movies?' That had to be eating and drinking. I'm addicted to eating popcorn in the cinema, but I can also realy appriciate a nice cup of Cherry Tea. So there you have it, I've revealed the mistery of my blogname.