dinsdag 26 oktober 2010

Won’t You Celebrate With Me

I found this picture on The Ugly Earring amd loved the title in combination with the image. Won't you celebrate with me is a poem by Lucille Clifton about discrimination and celebrating life. The power of that poem is greatly reflected in this image. Guarding herself while celebrating the survival thoughout her life. Well done Ugly Earring.


Creepy gif's from Contributing Editor

Looking at this sometimes androgynous dressed model while he's moving on my screen is giving me chills down my spine. I can't even think of something else to say about these pictures, but I find them very intriguing.  The shoot is called FUTUR3 P3RF3CT.

The flying birds

I usually don't like pictures like these, I think there a nice experiment but not the most creative. I decided to post them anyway because I have to admit there well done. Just makes me think what kind of creative concepts you can make with this kind of photography. I do have to say Sølve Sundsbø already did this a few years ago.  

Christopher Wilson

Just wanted to post work of Christopher Wilson. I like his work but also his background. After working for 15 years as a writer, art director and designer (including Audi) he decided to take the leap to start the company Christopher WILSON Photography. 

Art with safety pins

A little voice in my head is telling me I've seen something like this before, but it still is good. Love that it's played backwards, it gives the image an even more alienating vibe. You have to look twice before you figure out how it's made and makes you question if what you see is real.